Tuesday, May 1, 2012

So Small and Yet He is So Big....

So Small and Yet He is So Big!

     New Series Coming Soon! "So Small and Yet He is So Big"

  "Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand. What you've been up there searching for forever is in your hands. When you figure out love is all that matters after all... It sure makes everything else seem so small..."

~ "So Small" by Carrie Underwood

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ignite Winter Retreat - Tangled or Treat?

Next Wednesday I leave for a very exciting opportunity! The ICC IGNITE Winter Retreat! This is going to be such an amazing opportunity! In some ways I am the most excited that I have been in for ever, but in other ways I am about to come unglued. So many things to prepare and get ready!

To be honest I feel like Rapunzel off of Tangled when she was second guessing herself about leaving her mother. One moment she is so excited about leaving and then the next minute she was in tears about how bad she feels. I wonder if that is a coincidence? Probably not... I know that God gives us circumstances and situations in order to teach us, but sometimes it just seems like his timing is pretty lousy... "What are you trying to teach me Lord?!?" My prayer is that I and all the other students in ICC will have an amazing week! My prayer is also that we will all be calm and sweet to one another, as we all prepare and present...


Another exciting opportunity is for the creation of the new National Student Leadership Councel, which I have the privileged of being a member!  This group has already had the chance to work together in amazing ways! I look forward to our plans for Ignite!